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Bringing Westport residents together to ensure the preservation of our town's culture and history.



Dear Friends and Supporters of Westport Neighbors United LLC
At the October 11th Planning and Zoning meeting the commissioners formally rejected the application by Cross Street LLC to construct a 6 – story, 81 unit apartment complex between Lincoln and Cross Streets, off Post Road West, by a 7-0 vote. 


We want to say a very sincere THANK YOU to those of you who have attended various P&Z meetings, contributed to our funding requests, sent in photos and email to P&Z staff citing your concerns, and taking other supportive actions. The commissioners listened to you and in our opinion made the right decision.

As for this key decision by P&Z: the commissioners cited numerous reasons for their rejection, including traffic and pedestrian safety concerns, significant problems with fire fighting and emergency vehicle access, and the fact that the proposed building would dwarf many historic 19th and early 20th century homes in the area, tearing down several to make way for the apartment complex, and altering forever one of the town’s most historic neighborhoods. 


One commissioner noted: “I can not foresee any modifications to the current application that would lead this commission to approve it…” 

This rejection represents a significant set back for Cross Street LLC and a big victory for Westport Neighbors United and those who supported our efforts to protect and preserve this neighborhood from egregious over-development. 

The town’s Planning and Zoning Commission is not the only town board to soundly reject the Cross Street LLC application. Early this summer, the town’s Architectural Review Board, and later the Westport Historic District Commission also voted unanimously against approving the Cross Street proposal. 


The formal written opinion by the commissioners in denying this application can be found here. This document contains verbatim commentary from P&Z Commissioners, and the testimony of many experts speaking both for and against this proposal. This document demonstrates the full due diligence of P&Z in weighing both sides of this
issue and provides details on why this application was rejected by a 7-0 vote. 

Again, thank you to our many friends, neighbors and supporters.
Rich Bailey,
Chairman, Westport Neighbors United LLC

81-unit rental apartment complex planned for historic corner of Westport


The project, given the name of "The Westport Residences," will use several acres of land bordered by Lincoln, Post Road West and Cross Street. The proposal will create 81 one- and two- bedroom apartments, with the structure rising to a height of 65+ feet towering over neighboring homes, and rely on various 8.30g affordable housing regulations to ignore or override many sensible town zoning regulations.

Westport Neighbors United is providing a rallying point for the community to convince Westport Planning and Zoning officials that the sheer size, scope and location chosen for this project are simply the WRONG housing solution for this historic part of Westport.

The proposed five story apartment block will dominate local historic residences and result in the demolition of others. 

The illustration below is a rough idea of what the view on your left will be as you pass Assumption Church on your way to town.

Project Details

Neighborhood Impact

In addition to tearing down two or three historic homes to accomodate this project, and the unaesthetic design of the building, this development introduces major safety risks to this area of Westport, all within walking distance of two schools and a church:

  • The height and inaccessibilty of many parts of the building introduce a major fire hazard for the buidling and its neighbors

  • Traffic in the Saugatuck & Riverside Avenue area is already congested. An additional 160 cars daily will introduce new safety risks, as cars from the development squeeze down the narrow streets of Cross Street and Lincoln Street, and try to exit onto Post Road towards Norwalk, cutting across two lanes of traffic.

81-Unit Industrial Scale Apartment Complex with 146 Car Parking Deck Planned for this Turn-of-the-Century Neighborhood

  • Traffic Congestion will worsen an already bad situation.

  • ​Police and Fire Access will be problematic

  • Water Runoff and Environmental Problems are unavoidable

  • Destruction of Historic Neighborhood, the "Gateway" to the Town of Westport

  • Pedestrian Safety with schools, churches and child care centers right at the heart of this neighborhood

Any contribution however small helps us fight this development. 

Find out why we need funds.

Show up at all Town hearings, including P&Z hearings,  Share this information with your neighbors and friends. Email P&Z direct with your comments at

Have your voice count and let our town know how you feel

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